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Juhani Ekuri

Arvopaperimarkkinaoikeus Corporate Governance Kiinteistötransaktiot Labour Law Company Law
Assistant: Johanna Lehtonen
Juhani Ekuri


Juhani Ekuri assists our clients in planning and executing various real estate transactions and corporate arrangements. Juhani advises in various real estate development projects and assists in transactions and lease matters concerning individual industrial, commercial and tenement properties as well as real estate portfolios. Apart from investors and SMEs, Juhani’s clientele consists of several listed and widely owned companies. Juhani has advised our clients on various assignments related to corporate law and securities market law, such as matters related to IPOs and prospectuses and issues connected with disclosure obligation, and he has also acted as chairman and proxy at general meetings.

Juhani’s other area of specialisation is employment law. Juhani regularly assists both Finnish and foreign companies with various employee-related issues, for example drafting employment and director contracts as well as conducting reorganisation negotiations and handling challenging transformation and termination situations. Juhani also acts as counsel in court proceedings.

Job description
  • Edelle Attorneys at Law Ltd, lawyer, 2007–
  • District Court of Toijala, clerk, 2008–2009



  • Finnish
  • English


Here are some of the services I offer.


Capital Markets

Going public can be a good alternative to a takeover and a path to strengthening your company’s growth. The thought of going public is, however, often met with hesitation due to a lack of knowledge about the process.

Real Estate Transactions and Construction

Your partner specialising in real estate projects Real estate development and construction projects are often about reconciling different interests in an effective way.

Labour Law

In-depth expertise in labour law Growing a business requires the courage to recruit and retain staff. On the other hand, the pursuit of growth may also require changes and adjustments in the workforce.

Company Law

Expertise in company law for the different stages of your business Company law contains many formal requirements. We can help you find a smooth route through the hoops of formal requirements.

Mergers and Acquisitions

A successful business transaction with our help Successful mergers and acquisitions need to take into account the specificities of different industries. We are a reliable and knowledgeable partner throughout the entire acquisition cycle.